With my infectious enthusiasm, ecological expertise, and attention to detail, I work closely with you to help you find a sense of purpose and pride in your landscape.

#ThePersonalEcologist #PhenologyNotes

photo x Jen Dean Photography

photo x Jen Dean Photography

I lead you to better understand the natural world, through the eyes of an ecologist.

Because I have worked with many different kinds of people and landscapes, I am adept at tuning in to my clients and crafting a habitat vision that deeply serves both the land, and your values.

I’m resourceful, nimble, and conscientious. Whether you have a garden, yard, farm, woodland, or community space, I will deliver personalized recommendations that help you achieve your goals for wildlife and biodiversity conservation. You will feel empowered, informed, and engaged in the highly rewarding process of building a better habitat - for you, and for the plants and animals you hold dear.

My guided talks, walks, and workshops are inspiring and energizing, leaving you with a deeper understanding of wildlife, their needs, and how you can meet those needs right outside your own door.


I am a wildlife ecologist with 30 years of experience, and an unwavering passion for ecological restoration.

Since 2010, as the owner of First Light, I have been partnering with stewards throughout the Northeast to co-create biodiverse habitats in their own backyards, farms, forestlands, and community spaces.

Over the last 15 years I have provided recommendations, plans, and designs for over 14,000 acres of habitat.

Before settling down in my native State of Maine, I was a roving field biologist for many years – conducting fieldwork and wildlife research throughout North America in a wide range of habitats (from the deserts of New Mexico to the remote tundra of the Canadian Arctic).

Highlights include:

  • Researching coastal brown bears on salmon streams in the Alaskan wilderness

  • Advocating for the conservation of old growth rainforest in southeast Alaska

  • Tracking Canada Lynx and crawling into bear dens in the North Maine Woods

  • Live-trapping grizzly bears in Yellowstone

  • Banding seabirds in Downeast Maine

Weighing a bear cub during denwork in northern Maine (1999).

Weighing a bear cub during denwork in northern Maine (1999).


Join me in leading a life of wildness + wonder

Coastal brown bear feeding on salmon in Katmai National Park, Alaska, where I worked on a study of bear-human interactions for the National Park Service (1998; photo by Deb).

Coastal brown bear feeding on salmon in Katmai National Park, Alaska, where I worked on a study of bear-human interactions for the National Park Service (1998; photo by Deb).

photo x Jen Dean Photography

photo x Jen Dean Photography

May sunset on our island research camp in Nunavut, in the eastern Canadian Arctic (2003; photo by Deb).

May sunset on our island research camp in Nunavut, in the eastern Canadian Arctic (2003; photo by Deb).


For a full list of my qualifications and experience go to:

Follow me on instagram @firstlighthabitats