
Subnivean Secrets

Subnivean Secrets

As we all know, winters in the North can be harsh. For some animals that don't migrate or hibernate, the subnivean zone is their key to survival.

But what if you are predator? How do you survive this period of scarcity and extreme weather? To solve this problem, some of our predators have adapted hunting strategies that allow them to detect the presence and precise movements of the subnivean dwellers.

“Intelligent Tinkering” - How to Boost Biodiversity at Home (Leopold’s Wise Words Part 2)

“Intelligent Tinkering” - How to Boost Biodiversity at Home  (Leopold’s Wise Words Part 2)

Armed with the right tools and knowledge, we can intelligently tinker to restore the health of our ecosystems and secure a more stable future for wildlife – from bees to bears, and everything in between.