wildlife habitat

A Top Threat to Biodiversity: Invasive Plants

A Top Threat to Biodiversity: Invasive Plants

Plants are the basis for terrestrial habitats that support our wildlife. To conserve wildlife, we must first conserve native plants. Non-native plants don't serve a functional ecological role in our landscapes and have minimal wildlife value, in general. In fact, invasive non-native plants negatively impact wildlife habitat in a variety of ways, some of which we are just now beginning to understand.

Baby Bats Need Love Too

Baby Bats Need Love Too

These furry, winged mammals have been the subject of so much mythology, lore, and horror stories – it’s hard to know where to begin. For starters, there’s the old-wives’ tale that bats often get tangled up in long hair (simply untrue), and let’s not forget the widely held belief that most bats have rabies and will attack. Like other wild animals, bats can contract rabies but less than ½ of 1% of bats actually have the disease. It is rare to be bitten by a bat because they are shy and avoid people, biting only in self-defense if handled.

Bring the Magic of Fireflies Back Home Again

Bring the Magic of Fireflies Back Home Again

Why are so many of us seeing fewer fireflies?  A lot of it has to do with habitat loss caused by increased development and our American obsession with massive lawns and “tidy” landscapes.